No 860 – 7/2/1941
According to encrypted telegraphic order no 4599 – 6/30/1941 issued by the Home Office we are bringing to your attention the following:
The soviets are aiming to produce sabotage actions, disorder and aggressions behind the front line.
To do this they are parachuting spies and armed terrorists who occasionally are wearing women cloths.
These enemy agents are contacting local agents and Jewish communist population to organize sabotages terrorist and aggression actions.
To stop this situation Gen Antonescu command:
1. Jewish men between 18–60 years old in your city to be confined in Jewish quarters preferably in Jewish schools or other large buildings under strict surveillance and immediately sanctioning any disturbing action. Jewish quarters are to be more strictly guarded.
2. A curfew for Jewish population will be installed from 08.00PM until 07.00 AM.
3. 15 hostages will be held among well known communities’ leaders: rabbis, schechters, etc, communists and legionnaire-communists, they will be confined in a separate building and in case of any rebellion or terrorist actions they will be shot on the spot.
In order to strictly obey these orders you will do the followings:
1. The following hostages are to be confined in The Boys Boarding School under Radauti Garrison surveillance:
Wassermann David – former community president
Chaim Mechel – idem
Ausläder Isac – wholesaler
Pressner Isidor – the community president
Goldschläger Efroim – soap maker
Zomer – wholesaler
Costener – wholesaler
2. The following hostages are to be confined in The Romanian House former German House under your surveillance:
Ureche Cuciurovschi Dumitru
Heinmann Max
Riszker Israel
Morit Beer
Dascal Osvald
Flaschenberg Moses
Mindringer Baruch
Muhlrad Wolf
Weinstein Iacob
Baruch Elias
Fränchel Isac
Bruger Mendel
Parizer - from Siret city
Eizinstein – idem
Bär – idem
3. All Jewish men between 18-60 years old will be taken from the rest of the city quarters and housed in Jewish Lane Quarter, under strict surveillance.
4. A number of men between 18-40 years old, presumably dangerous for the state security, will be selected among these ones and confined in The Jewish School under strict around the clock surveillance.
5. You will strictly obey these orders…
Lt. Col. Ionescu
TELEGRAM no 20570 – 7/3/1941 – 12.30 AM
Received at the Radauti prefecture (administrative district) on 7/3/1941 under no 881
General Antonescu command:
The soviets are trying by all means to undermine, to produce disorder and aggressions behind our front line – stop - to aim this they are parachuting spies and armed terrorist; until now a Yassy born baker and a college girl were discovered - they flea Russia and were flown back with soviet airplane – stop – in Constanta women cloths were founded in a crashed soviet airplane with which the pilot should disguise in case of his capture – stop – all this enemy agents will contact in our country local resident agents and together with the iudeo-communists population will organize terrorist actions, sabotage and aggressions – stop – to curb this situation Gen Antonescu command to immediately take the following measures: 1. In all cities with consistent Jewish population free circulation on streets … [file 3 of the original telegram is missing…] small cities in your county you are ask to report the number of suspects and hostages confined in camps in each cities.
TELEGRAM 7/4/1941
Sent by the Radauti prefect Lt. Col. Ionescu
In answer to the telegram 20570 – 7/3/1941 - I report the imprisonment of 17 hostages as principal leaders and 150 others presumably dangerous – stop - all of them are confined in special buildings under police surveillance as well an army platoon – stop – the rest of Jewish men are confined under strict control and surveillance in the Jewish quarter.
Home office
At your encrypted order no. 4599 from 6/30/1941 I have the honor to report the following measures taken – stop – it was decided that Jewish men from 18 to 60 years old to be put under surveillance inside a restricted area and the young ones from 18 to 40 years old in bigger buildings in order to be more easily guarded – stop – hostages among more important persons has been taken – stop – in a separate building communists and legionnaire-communists have been put under surveillance – stop – an order about sanctions for terrorists actions has been issued – stop
Radauti prefect,
Lt. Col. Ionescu
Wassermann David – former president of the cult
Chaim Mechel – idem
Auslander Isac – wholesaler
Pressner Isidor – president of the cult
Gildschlander Efroim – soap maker
Zomer - wholesaler
Costner - wholesaler
Heissmann Max – labeled communist
Riszker Israel – idem
Moritz Beer – with automobile spare parts (?)
Dascal Osvald – communist
Flaschenberg Moses Frifer – idem
Mindrighin Baruch – idem
Muhlrad Wolf – idem
Weistein Iacob – idem
Baruch Elias – idem
Frenchel Isac – idem
Burger Mendel – driver - idem
Ureche - enrolled in the army
Cuciurovski Dumitru – he was detained but released by Col. Opritoiu
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