Translation of the document and name table for 398 Jews from Siret.
Jewish Community from Siret, Currently evacuated in Radauti
Prefecture reg. no 1073 – 7/26/1941
Mr. Prefect,
Previously to the fights against Bolsheviks, the entire population of Siret – Jews and Christians – was evacuated.
Later on, Christian population return, while the Jews have not, they have been replaced in Craiova, Calafat and Radauti.
The consequences of this situation have been and continue to be disastrous, for the Jewish population and most of all, for the city itself.
The city was left without its essential craftsmen and most of all, without the basic merchandise, left behind in the shops, subject to spoil.
The Jews left their homes and shops full of goods and other belongings unattended, exposed to ongoing robbery which local authorities cannot stop.
All these shortcomings and deficiencies could be avoided if the measure of eviction could be revoked.
Keeping in mind that Siret is an urban township and the evacuation of the Jews from rural township do not include them, as was the case with the Jews from other cities such as Suceava or Radauti, etc, we trust that this is a temporary situation and we are looking forward to resolve it.
We want to underline Mr. Prefect, that the Jews from Siret has been and continue to be loyal subjects of the country, they were never been found guilty of any wrong doing against State security or against The Army and they always fulfill their civic duties.
Therefore, the undersigned vice president of the above mentioned community, respectfully ask you to deign to allow this Jews from Siret to be free to return to Siret for the above mentioned purposes.
We are kindly ask you to accept our deepest esteem and profound devotion,
Vice president of the Siret Jewish community,
Simon L. Kraft
The prefect, Lt. Col. Ionescu, resolution:
Until further orders, all that can be done is to guard and to make lists of the goods remain after Bolsheviks bombardments.
NO 1073 – 7/28/1941
I am honored to ask you to deign to inform The Siret Jewish Community vice-president S.L. Kraft that his solicitation, for the Jews from Siret to be let free, cannot be approved because it’s in contradiction with the higher orders.
Lt.Col. Ionescu
Mailed on 7/29/1941
NO 1066 – 7/28/1941
In response to your order no 11308 – 7/22/1941, I’m honored to report the followings:
1. The Jews from the rural townships of Radauti County have been evacuated under the gendarme legions supervision to the county capital. Their total number is 1193 and they are of two categories: 76 Jews were evacuated from the rural townships pending to The Radauti County before the liberation of the northern Bucovina from Bolsheviks occupation and other 1117 Jews were evacuated from the rural townships annexed to The Radauti County after their liberation from this occupation.
2. The Jews evacuation from Siret, the only rural township not a county capital, was made at the army orders as following:
• According to order M.U. Basarab no. 51540/941 and 51541/941, on 7/19/1941, a number of 1600 Jews were evacuated from Dornesti commune, Radauti County and on 7/21/1941, with the army and police help, a number of 1350 Jews were evacuated from Cacica and Bratestii de Sus, Suceava County to be sent to Calafat and Craiova.
• The remaining 250 Jews from Siret were sent to Dornesti, Radauti County, as unable to be moved, sick or disable.
• There are no Jews left in other towns and communes in the county.
3. We do not have organized labor camps in the county. All the evacuated Jews from Siret and from all over the county are confined, part of them in a special Jewish quarter and others in Jewish houses of prayers placed also in these Jewish quarters, under police control and surveillance, as we reported under no. 915 – 7/11/1941.
• All valid Jews are daily employed in community services such as: roads repair and maintenance, ditches excavation, removing the weeds from barren lands, spreading gravel on the roads, loading and unloading wagons with ammunitions for Radauti garrison.
• For this labors we are daily employing 300-400 Jews, under the management, supervision and guidance of the clerks of The County Technical Service, City Hall and Police, without any payment in money or in kind.
• They are supplied by the local wealthy Jews and by the Jewish Community.
4. As mentioned on 2nd paragraph above, 1350 Jews from Radauti County have been evacuated in Calafat and Craiova.
5. Police observation posts guard the prayer houses and communal guardians patrol the Jewish quarters.
The 3rd Army headquarter, under the order no 21467 – 7/23/1941, informed us that the Jews from the liberated communes will be sorted by the Cernauti Rangers Office and those found suspects will be send to camps and those found guilty will be prosecuted in marshal court.
Special report about steps to follow with this Jews will follow.
Lt. Col. Ionescu
Mailed on 7/29/1941
The undersigned inhabitants of the commune Siret, Radauti County, with honor and profound respect we are complaining about the followings:
We receive the information that some of so called Christian intellectuals within the commune of Siret are dwelling relentlessly over the authorities in charge to bring back to Siret, city destroyed by bombardments and former capital of the King Sas Voda [Sas Voda (1353 - 1358), son of Dragos Voda, founder of the state of Moldova, vassal of the Hungarian Kingdom] and others, the Jews which with great difficulty have been evacuated from the city.
For this plague to be brought back to Siret it will rise a profound indignation among the genuine Romanians and it will escalate into mass disorders because nobody, among the pure Romanians which believe in the future of this country and in our great protector Marshal Antonescu, will accept that those kikes will step again on the Romanian land nor to be brought back to Siret for the Romanian peasant to be kikes’ slave again.
Therefore we trust your support, Marshal, with respect we are asking you to take measure that the evacuee Jews to be taken far away from this parts, this action will open the eyes of the poor Romanian peasant even more because it is for him that today the Christ resurrect and Satan is melting like wax on site.
Please accept, Marshal, the promise of our special esteem and consideration,
A list of around 270 names follows.
Your file number / Your date / Our file and number (to be mentioned on replay) / Date 1887 10/4/1941 018896 A 10/1/1941
We are honored to forward you, attached, in original, the petition addressed to Marshal Antonescu, The Head of the State and handed over to our office by the Presidency of the Board of Ministers under the number 96496/941, in which the inhabitants of Siret commune, from that county, are asking that the evacuee Jews from that town not to be brought back, and we are kindly ask you to inform us, returning the annex.
For the Minister
The prefect resolution for the Office and for the Management Office:
To order the chief of police to investigate those denouncers and those vicious and those unauthorized. Jews are to remain in the capital of the county. To report that only 3 Jews are mobilized to work and are working to repair the bombarded schools. Other Jews are mobilized at the Recruitment Center working to repair the Siret military barracks. To send to the Police a plea copy with the denouncers names.
Col. Ionescu
Radauti County Prefecture
To Radauti City Police
Attached you will receive the complaint of several inhabitants of the city of Siret, you are asked to deign to order an investigation to be conducted over those denouncers, vicious and unauthorized.
In the same time you are informed that the Jews are to remain in the capital of the county, except those working for the Recruitment Center
Lt. Col. Ionescu
Radauti county prefecture
No. 10/4/1941
Home office
State management office
At your order no. 18896 A from October 1st 1941, regarding the petition of several inhabitants of the city of Siret demanding that the evacuee Jews from Siret not to be brought back, I am honored to report the followings:
The evacuee Jews from Siret are to remain at the capital of the Radauti County.
A number of 3 Jews mobilized for work are allowed to repair the schools bombarded by the enemies and a number 16 Jews mobilized by the Recruitment Center are working to repair the barrack Latcu Voda from Siret.
No other Jews except the above mentioned were allowed to return to Siret.
I asked for an investigation because those ones are Ukrainians by majority and they are permanently holding onto denunciations.
I am honored to return the annex.
Lt. Col. Ionescu
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